Third Grade
What does it mean to be holy and how does that determine the way I interact with the world?
The third-grade Love God, Love Others Bible curriculum is centered around the theme of trusting God and responding to God’s call to be different in the world. Learners are guided to practice obedience as a natural response to their growing trust in God's faithfulness and love. Emphasizing the call to holiness, children explore what it means to live set apart for God's purposes in a world marked by sin and brokenness. Drawing inspiration from the stories of Joshua and the Judges, children examine how the Israelites navigated their identity as God's chosen people amidst the cultural challenges of their time, learning valuable lessons about representing God well, in both word and deed.
Through a study of Jesus's life and teachings, as well as examples from individuals in the early church, learners discover practical ways to live out their faith amid diverse cultural contexts. They explore how Jesus engaged with the world around Him with love, compassion, and integrity, serving as a model for how they too can impact their culture and world for God's Kingdom. Through interactive lessons, discussions, and reflective activities, learners are encouraged to embrace their identity as holy ones, set apart for God's glory, and empowered to make a difference as “priests” in the world through their words, actions, and attitudes.
Essential Questions:
How does God call us to live in the world?
What does it mean to be holy?
What is sin?
Why did Jesus have to die?
Who am I called to be in the world?
What is Biblical poetry?
Key Topics:
God’s People Are Set Apart - Holy
Geography of the Bible
Jesus’ Miracles
Early Church
Third Grade Units
God Is Holy (Be Different), Holiness Reimagined
Unit 1: God’s Good Story: Be Different (6 Lessons)
In the opening weeks of Bible class, learners will review the restoration of all things, starting with how God created the world and declared it good. They will examine the broken relationship between God and God’s image bearers and explore God's promises to restore all things. The theme of “Be Different” will be introduced, highlighting God's holiness and God’s expectation of holiness from God’s followers.
Unit 2: Geography of the Promise Land (6 lessons)
Learners will virtually explore the geography of the Promised Land, studying its topography and important transportation routes integral to many biblical stories. This unit will help learners understand why God positioned God’s people at the crossroads of the ancient world and what it meant for Israel to be called to holiness.
Unit 3: Leviticus: Be Holy! (3 Lessons)
In this unit, learners will encounter a holy God through the book of Leviticus. They will delve into the story of a God who desires to dwell with imperfect people and learn what God required of them to commune with God.
Unit 4: Succoth (6 Lessons)
Learners will immerse themselves in the Jewish festival of Succoth by studying and celebrating its significance. They will engage in a STEM project to design and construct a booth, capturing the spirit and practices of the festival. The unit will also explore the importance of Succoth in the life of Jesus and its themes in the Gospel of John.
Unit 5: Joshua and the Land (9 Lessons)
Through the story of Joshua, learners will enter the Promised Land with the Israelites, discovering God's faithfulness, power, and grace. They will study key events such as the parting of the Jordan, the fall of Jericho, and the sun standing still, reflecting on God's strength, power, and mystery.
Unit 6: Judges (6 Lessons)
Learners will explore the stories of Deborah and Gideon, encountering God's love for imperfect people. They will learn about the cycle of disobedience and how God sent judges to restore wholeness. These stories will inspire learners to trust in God alone.
Unit 7: The Strongman: Samson (6 Lessons)
In this unit, learners will study the story of Samson, a Nazarite called to be different and set apart. They will examine how Samson's extraordinary strength and his conflicts with surrounding cultures highlight the importance of using God-given gifts for God's glory rather than personal gain.
Unit 8: Ruth (3 Lessons)
Learners will study how God works in the lives of those considered outside God’s covenant through the story of Ruth. This unit provides an opportunity to expand their understanding of holiness to include not just Israelites but also "outsiders."
Unit 9: Geography of the Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem (6 Lessons)
In this virtual reality unit, learners will tour the regions where Jesus’ ministry took place. They will explore diverse landscapes, from lush gardens to deserts and mountains, and understand the metaphors Jesus used in His teachings.
Unit 10: Be Different? (6 Lessons)
Learners will investigate the challenges Jesus faced as He called His followers to reimagine holiness. Learners will talk about what it means to be “in the world” but not “of the world.” They will discuss the implications of this redefined holiness in a culture steeped in tradition and religious law.
Unit 11: Miracles of Jesus: Healing (9 Lessons)
Learners will explore gospel accounts of Jesus healing people, reflecting on what these healings reveal about Jesus' identity and mission. By looking through the historical and cultural lenses of context, learners will examine the significance of those healed, and the reactions of the witnesses. They will better understand the message these healings may have sent early readers of the Text about the new kind of holiness Jesus was calling His followers into.
Unit 12: Miracles of Jesus: Nature (9 Lessons)
This unit focuses on Jesus' miracles over nature, such as calming storms and walking on water. Learners will ponder what these miracles say about Jesus and His mission, considering the awe and wonder they inspired among His disciples.
Unit 13: Sabbath (6 Lessons)
In this unit, learners will study Jesus’ healings and teachings on the Sabbath, reflecting on Sabbath rules and rituals in Jesus' time. They will trace the concept of Sabbath from creation to the Israelites in the desert and brainstorm ways to experience Sabbath today with their families.
Unit 14: Be Different (6 Lessons)
In this unit, learners will explore how God continues to call God’s people to be different through the Holy Spirit. They will study stories of Philip and the Ethiopian, Peter’s visions, and the Jerusalem Council, understanding God's evolving call to holiness.
Unit 15: Eating Together (9 Lessons)
In this unit, learners will review their learning about God’s holiness through the lens of cultural and social eating norms. The Bible is full of stories that involve a meal. It is around the table that differences are reconciled and it is around the table where differences are celebrated.
Unit: 16: We Want A King (3 Lessons)
To conclude the year, learners will reflect on Israel's transition from judges to kingship. They will ponder why God initially intended for Israel to have no king and consider the implications of Israel's desire for a human ruler.
Christmas Unit: Do Not Be Afraid (6 Lessons)
During the Christmas season, learners will explore the command “Do not be afraid” given to Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. They will trace this theme back to Joshua, reflecting on its significance and what it reveals about God.
Easter Unit: Miracle of the Resurrection (6 Lessons)
After exploring Jesus’ miracles of healing and Jesus’ miracles over nature, learners will investigate the resurrection stories of Lazarus and Jesus, understanding these miraculous events as part of God's larger narrative of bringing life and wholeness where there is death and brokenness.