Young Fives

What is God like and can I trust God?

The young 5's Love God, Love Others Bible curriculum is designed to lay a foundational understanding of God's love, trustworthiness, and presence in the lives of young learners. Through engaging activities, age-appropriate Bible stories, and interactive experiences, children are introduced to the fundamental truths that God is knowable, and trustworthy. A key component of the curriculum involves exploring the names of God, providing learners with tangible examples of God's character and attributes. By studying these names, children begin to grasp the depth of who God is and develop a growing comprehension of God’s faithfulness and love. 

Additionally, the curriculum emphasizes faith formation practices such as prayer, Bible internalization, and worship, providing young learners with opportunities to cultivate a personal relationship with God and deepen their understanding of God’s words. Through these formative practices, children are encouraged to engage with God in meaningful ways, nurturing their spiritual growth and fostering a sense of trust and security in God’s presence. The young 5's Bible curriculum provides a nurturing and supportive environment where children can begin to build a strong foundation of faith, rooted in the knowledge that they are known and loved by a trustworthy and faithful God.

Essential Questions:
What is God like? 
What is Jesus like? 
What is the Holy Spirit Like? 
Can I trust God? 
How does God show love in the Bible and to me? 
What is the Bible? And where did the stories take place? 
How do I pray?
What does worship mean?

Key Topics:
Names of God
Context Characters

Young Fives Units

The Names of God, The Names of Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Suggested Text: I AM - 40 Reasons To Trust God, By Diane Stortz

Unit 1: Our Creative God (4 Lessons)

Echoing the rabbinic teaching style of Jesus, learners will follow their teacher and  experience their creator God through a “wonder walk.” During the walk, learners will notice and wonder at the things God made on their school grounds or neighborhood. This will set the foundation to explore the names of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 

Unit 2: Our All-Powerful God (8 Lessons)

Through God-centered story telling, learners will discover more characteristics and names of God through the stories of Abraham, Jacob, and Moses. learners will notice that God can use anyone to do God’s work on earth in powerful ways. 

Unit 3: Our Holy God (8 Lessons)

The people of Israel were on the move, and God wanted to be with them. In this unit, learners will learn that God wants to be with them, too. In the wilderness, God asked the wandering Israelites to build a tabernacle so that God’s holiness might dwell among them. Learners will have a chance to notice God’s holiness through the stories of Ruth, Gideon, and the battle of Jericho. They will notice that God’s holiness can dwell among God’s people through the practice of prayer.

Unit 4: Our Shepherd God (8 Lessons)

Many authors in the Bible compare God to a good shepherd. In this unit, learners will study what it might have been like to be a shepherd in ancient Israel and connect how God is like a shepherd. Through stories about David, Elisha and Daniel, learners will have an opportunity to experience God’s shepherd-like qualities. 

Unit 5: Animals of the Bible (6 Lessons)

In this unit, learners will be immersed in the wilderness of ancient Israel. Learners will study six animals mentioned in the Bible and discover why they might have been mentioned. Learners will also make connections between these animals and the six contextual lenses that will continue to deepen as they travel through the grade levels of the Love God, Love Others experience. 

Unit 6: The Son of God (8 Lessons)

Learners will uncover not only that Jesus did miracles and gave brilliant teachings, but will discover that Jesus was the Son of God. Interacting with the stories of Jesus at the temple, Jesus being baptized, the sermon on the mount, and feeding of the 5,000 will help learners encounter Jesus as the Son of God. 

Unit 7: The Word (4 Lessons)

The authors of the gospels gave Jesus many names like, The Bread of Life, The Word, and The Good Shepherd. These names will help learners identify even more qualities of Jesus and His mission. 

Unit 8: The Light of the World (8 Lessons)

The light of God breaks through as Jesus not only rises from the dead, but returns to encourage His disciples. This is where the Church began, and the Church was meant to reflect the character of God. In this unit, learners will study why God loves the Church so much, and why the Church is important. The Church is made of imperfect people doing imperfect things, but the spiritual practice of community is one that reflects the very nature of God and is so important to grow God’s Kingdom. 

Unit 9: Service Project - Loving One Another (4 Lessons)

In this unit, learners will reflect on Jesus as a servant King, and get a chance to practice serving others. Through this embodiment of the Gospel, learners will be able to reflect on what it feels like to serve others and think about why God thinks it’s a good idea. 

Unit 10: A Prayer and A Blessing (4 Lessons)

For thousands of years, Jesus followers have prayed the Lord’s Prayer and given the Aaronic Blessing. Learners will explore what the intentional words of these prominent passages mean, and how they might be spoken and meditated on in daily life. 

Christmas Unit: Immanuel (6 Lessons)

Learners will add to the names of Jesus they’ve learned by discovering that Jesus came to be Immanuel, God with us, and the Prince of Peace. The way God sent God’s Son has deep significance, and learners will have the opportunity to explore why. 

Easter Unit: Our Savior (6 Lessons)

To prepare for Easter as a class, learners will encounter the stories leading up to the cross, and meditate on what it means that Jesus rose from the dead. Learners will celebrate and consider the impact of a risen, Servant King and what His Kingdom looks like.